A simple tool for a more professional and converting shop or site

Boost your WooCommerce Store Conversion Rate!

Display by filtering your WooCommerce products categories atheistically in strategic position to your shop or site and boost sales magically!

3+ Unique Layouts

Showcase you WooCommerce Category with the 3+ unique layouts and customize with unlimited options. Make your site even more unique and impressive.

Filter Desired Categories

Display by filtering your WooCommerce products categories atheistically in strategic position to your shop or site and boost sales magically!

World Class Support

Whether you’re just getting started or you need help with advanced features, our support team is here for you every step of the way.

Let’s see WooCommerce Category Slider Examples in action!

Pro Version Examples

Category Grid with Caption Style (Pro)

50% Off: Valid Till Jan 20
Flat Sale 50% Off!
30% Off For All
Upto 50% Off
New Collection
30% Save Now!
Big Sale This Summer
Sale 50% Off Today!

WooCommerce Category Grid with 900+ Flat Icon (Pro)

50% Off: Valid Till Jan 20
30% Off For All
Sale 50% Off Today!

WooCommerce Category Block (Pro)


WooCommerce Category Block Style-2 (Pro)


WooCommerce Category Grid with Two Columns (Pro)

50% Off: Valid Till Jan 20
Flat Sale 50% Off!
30% Off For All
Sale 50% Off Today!

Category Showcase with Right Content (Pro)

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Accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis
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WooCommerce Category Grid with Top Content (Pro)

50% Off: Valid Till Jan 20
30% Off For All
Sale 50% Off Today!

WooCommerce Categories with Gradient Background (900+ Flat Icons available) (Pro)


Showcase Categories with Flat Style (Pro)

New Collection
Black Friday: Save 20%
Upto 50% Off
Sale 20% Off!
10% OFF Today
Flat Sale 50% Off
Sale 15% This Month
Fresh Vegetable from Village

Inline Layout is coming soon 🔥

More beautiful examples will be added soon!

Show your Desired WooCommerce Categories to the Prospective Customers within Minutes and Increase Conversions!

Features You’ll Love!

Here are the some exciting key features that make WooCommerce Category Slider the most versatile, flexible & powerful!

Fast Support and Updates

Our dedicated support team is ready to offer you world class support and help when needed. We are continuously working to improve the plugin and release new versions!

Compatible with any Theme

We have tested it’s compatibility on different WordPress themes including Genesis, Divi, WooThemes, ThemeForest or WordPress.org. In some themes, you need some CSS tweaks.

Advanced Plugin Settings

The plugin is highly customizable and have a custom CSS field to override styles if necessary. You can enqueue or dequeue different scripts/CSS to avoid conflicts and loading issue.

Multilingual Ready

We would love to speak with your language. It is fully multilingual ready with WPML, Polylang, Loco Translate, qTranslate-x, GTranslate, Google Language Translator, WPGlobus, etc.

Page Builders Compatible

The plugin works smoothly with the popular page builders plugins: Gutenberg, WPBakery, Elementor/Pro, Divi builder, BeaverBuilder, Fusion Builder, SiteOrgin, Themify Builder etc.

Thumbnail Custom Size & Shape

You will have available thumbnail cropping sizes. You can choose your desired size or set a custom size. You can also make the thumbnail square, round, circle with border, box-shadow.

WordPress Multisite

WooCommerce Category Slider Pro is 100% compatible and tested on WordPress multisite network installations. The plugin works great out of the box in multi network site.

RTL Supported

WooCommerce Category Slider Pro is RTL supported. For Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, etc. languages, you can select the right-to-left option for slider direction, without writing any CSS.

20+ Slider Controls

The plugin comes with following built-in slider controls, e.g. autoplay, speed, scroll speed, slide to scroll, pause on hover, loop, navigation, pagination, touch-swipe, auto height, etc.

915+ Category Flat Icons

Choose from any of the 915+ category flat icon fonts to showcase your WooCommerce categories with amazing falt font icons. We’ve added two popular flat icons library in the plugin.

900+ Google Fonts(Typography)

This is very important to be able to set fonts & colors to match with your brand. WooCommerce Category Slider Pro supports 900+ Google fonts. You can enable/disable Google fonts loading.

Hover Effects

You can set different image hover effects for images like, gray-scale, overlay opacity,zoom in or out etc. that are both edgy and appealing. Get quickly grayscale and zoom effects!

3+ Layout Presets

The WooCommerce Category Slider Pro comes with 5 modern layouts to display your categories. The layout presets are fully customizable and can amazingly fit your store or site design.

Advanced Shortcode Generator

WooCommerce Category Slider has a built-in and easy-to-use shortcode generator. You don’t need any coding skills to show categories. You can create, edit and delete shortcode easily.

Unlimited Sliders, Grids, Blocks

Create as many beautiful sliders, grids, and blocks as you like across your WooCommerce store or site. This makes your store popular and you can achieve goals by selling more quickly!

Display Child Categories

The plugin allows you to show child or subcategories along with the parent. You can display the chid categories beside parent, below parent or child only with product count or not.

Display Specific Categories

You can display specific product categories in a slider or grid or block view so that your potential customers can see them all. Put it in strategic spots of your store and boost sales!

Easily Find Offered Categories

WooCommerce Category Slider lets your visitors find the category they are looking for without struggling and looking all over the store. This effectively boost your conversion rate!

Customize Everything Easily

You will be able to make it look exactly how you want with layout and colors & typography settings! You have full control over styling to design your way. No coding skills required!

Slick, Powerful, and Fast

The plugin is carefully coded to keep your store fast and performance. It follows the best WordPress standards. No more bloated codes to make your site slower than ever.

Responsive Mobile Ready

WooCommerce Category Slider is fully responsive and looks great on any device and control device-wise specific columns. It adapts to fit any screen size or mobile device.

Make More Sales with WooCommerce Category Slider Pro

Save time with a robust, high-quality, easy to use plugin built by WooCommerce Experts.

See Back-end Screenshots

What Are You Waiting For? Grab it Now!

The perfect tool for your store or site to display WooCommerce Categories in a tidy and appealing way,
so you can manage and showcase categories and child categories without coding knowledge.